
Friday, 30 August 2013

Body Shop Opens for Sophie's Appeal

Charity Patron, Sarah Beattie was pleased to be asked to open the newly refurbished Winchester Body Shop.

Customers to the store were able to browse the new displays, learn a little about Sophie's Appeal and support the Appeal by spurring on Ben is his eye watering leg waxing charity collection.

Over £260 was raised on the day and our thanks go to Alison and the team for chosing to support Sophie's Appeal

Saturday, 17 August 2013

Vintage Fun at the Ageas Bowl

Sophie’s Appeal was pleased to hold a stall at the Yellow Vintage Fair, held at the Ageas Bowl (home of the Hampshire Cricket team).

Visitors were to able familiarise themselves with the work of Sophie’s Appeal, while the younger visitors tried their hand at Hook a Duck , and guess the name of the Polar Bear, before rain stopped play!

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Milk Bottle Tops Collection

The Holiday Inn, Eastleigh continues to collect plastic milk bottle tops and the sorters and packers have just bagged their 4th ton. That is enough milk bottle tops to fill the entire ground floor of an average 4 bedroom house from floor to ceiling!

The milk bottle tops that you collect are sorted by our volunteers to ensure that we only retain suitable tops. These are then recycled and the plastic is used to make items such as children's garden slides and other garden furniture.

If you would like to collect washed milk bottle tops with the kite mark 2, please drop at any of the following collection points:-

Holiday Inn, Leigh Road, Eastleigh
Sainsbury's Store, Eastleigh
Cafe Rouge Express, Southampton

For further information about our recycling scheme, please contact