
Saturday, 18 May 2013

Co-Operative Support

Sophie's Appeal recently benefited from a grant from the Southern Co-Operative Community Fund.

The grant has been used to replace an ageing printer and to purchase publishing software to enable us to bring much of our printing requirements in house, driving down administration costs.

The cost savings mean that even more of your donations go to directly support the sick children we set out to help.

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Holiday Inn Eastleigh raises £800.00 at May Fete

Staff at the Holiday Inn organised a Spring Fete to raise funds for both Sophie's Appeal and Shelter in a Storm. The monies raised were divided between the two charities.

Families enjoyed the afternoon whilst listening to the wonderful sounds of Crestwood Steel Band. The younger visitors enjoyed traditional games - hook a duck, tin can alley, lucky dips to name but a few while the adults tried their luck at the Wine Bottle Game, Tombola and raffle. Stalls included homemade cakes, preserves and pickles, plants and books. Visits to the Fire Engine and Ambulance proved extremely popular.

Sophie's Appeal would like to extend their gratitude for the continued support from the management and staff at the Holiday Inn Eastleigh.